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INMM spent 3 days in Sardinia with the Italian Red Cross this past week

INMM spent 3 days in Sardinia with the Italian Red Cross this past week. The days consisted of simulated exercises for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) training.

Up to 400 personnel attended the event to prepare them to respond in case of a natural or man-made disaster. It also allowed those who attended to test their current preparedness by evaluating timings and effectiveness of interventions.

The exercises involved highly skilled specialists from all over Italy.

INMM were involved in helping to train the operators on the use of all equipment that has been implemented into the Italian Red Cross over the years. This included a range of isolation chambers, stretchers and even full vehicles that have been designed and certified to support responses to biological threats.

INMM has been a supplier to the Italian Red Cross since 2015, and in particular supplying the bio-isolation vehicles. The vehicles are specifically designed to help with the evacuation of patients who are considered to be infected with a HID (highly infectious disease). The vehicles allow the Italian Red Cross to transport the patients to the nearest medical treatment facility whilst reducing the risk of the infections being dispersed to the wider environment and other persons.

The vehicles are designed to carry from 1 (bio-ambulance) – 50 (bio-isolated vehicle) patients and are designed so that the drivers are completely isolated from those being carried. The vehicles also have a monitoring device installed within them, allowing the teams transporting the patients are able to monitor the pressures within the isolation chamber. Many parameters are monitored and also alarm if a parameter is considered to be not correct or if an urgent intervention is required.

For more information on the bio-isolation vehicles please email or call the office on +39 0532 61650

Mitaka Project

Presented on the occasion of the II National Congress of the Italian Federation of Emergency and Catastrophes Medicine, the “Mitaka Project”, is a computer system of operational support to emergency medicine or to the Military Rescuer and all health personnel, implemented on specific guidelines verified by the Training Department of the Army Health and Veterinary School, in accordance with NATO operational protocols.

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Mitaka (Military – Tablet Aid – Kombat Area), is a technological tool realized thanks to the collaboration with “In manibus meis”, an Italian company that develops software and hardware for interventions in major emergencies, could soon be adopted by the Defense Forces to significantly facilitate first relief operations to the wounded.

The system is based on the use of mobile hardware devices (tablets and laptops, suitable and resistant for use in the field, multiparametric monitors for the detection of vital functions of the wounded to be transmitted to the first available medical location) – integrated software applications, to equip the military medical personnel in the area of operation.

Consisting of a Tablet application and a web interface for data management and visualization, the project represents an innovative system of control in sanitary scenarios, specific for operational needs of military rescuers and medical personnel in particular.


Assignment of a unique alphanumeric code, generated directly by the application, for the identification of patients that, marked on the Triage cards in use to the rescue team, allows precise control of the patient’s location from his first aid to the final destination, within the chain of evacuation and health treatment.

Electronic flow-chart for triage operations of victims (decision support or aide memoire) to the military rescuer, designed according to NATO algorithms and with the ability to collect information to be made available in real time, to every member of the rescue team.

Integration and exchange of electronic data/information in real time with the server (normally located at Role 1 – Advanced Medical Post) with “Nine Line” message, including key information, such as, the equipment necessary to facilitate medical evacuation operations.

Incremental collection of clinical patient data for the benefit of all complex field rescue operations.

Visualization in specific updating sheets of each patient on the field, by the most qualified professional figure in the scenario, for a more effective use of available resources and to add more thorough clinical checks to critical patients, in dedicated areas (Safe Area/MTF).

Possibility of internet connection for transmission of all data at a distance.


  1. In an operational scenario, the injured person on the ground will bring with him all information related to his rescue, necessary, from the first intervention in the field to the following levels of treatment.
  2. Guarantee of a single method of intervention and management of rescue activities, combined with an immediate storage of all information useful for the proper lead of operations.
  3. Continuous availability of data for any subsequent debriefing process.

The use of the Mitaka System, adequately equipped and supported for use in operation, will allow an optimization and rationalization of management costs of a complex health intervention, allowing:

  • to have an immediate picture of the situation of the accident in the field for “increasing levels of complexity” and to acquire “in real time” the complete data set on patients to be treated (number of injured persons and their clinical conditions/severity color codes), in addition to data relating all operators involved;
  • to mobilize and activate the best means of rescue and evacuation in response to real needs, being able to monitor the activity and constantly knowing who is carrying a certain means, who is the operator and what are the conditions of the patient;
  • to require the activation and use of only the health facilities and facilities really needed, thus eliminating unnecessary waste of material and human resources and the most important factor in a health intervention, time.

The video on the presentation of the “Mitaka Project” is available on Difesa Webtv, clicking here

Link to the article

Field excercise in Foce Verde

The exercises are the final act of a training cycle, the practice of notions learned in classroom: many small actions learned by heart making up a complex puzzle. The complexity then gives us the extent or level of efficiency achieved and, in the case of military units, the level of operational capability.

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That field excercise, yesterday, by the 17th Regiment “Sforzesca”, commanded by Colonel Ignazio Lax, was a very complex exercise, of counterplane clusters, which emphasized not only the excellent technical and professional preparation of the staff, but above all their great versatility.

About 500 men and women have carried out a series of tactical acts in the context of NATO intervention in favor of an invaded Member State, in which the counterplanes component had the task of defending the airport and the Brigade Command, with systems of short (Skyguard/ Aspide) and medium range (SAMP-T), and realize, with the amphibious component (Stinger), an umbrella against airplanes in order to cover a bridgehead.

In addition to operating on systems and equipment with very high technology, proper to the specialty of counterplanes, the staff has shown to have learned the operating way of other specialties of the Armed Force in the so-called dual function: counterplanes and infantry. It was the case of evacuation of wounded by an helicopter (Medevac) following a terrorist attack, the head landing in depth and the landing of the amphibious component.

In the first case, the MITAKA (Military Italian Thought Aid Kombat Area) system produced by INMM in Ferrara was also successfully tested. It is a tablet through which the military rescuer, answering a series of questions with choice (Yes or NO), fills out a form that, through a standard NATO algorithm, assigns to the wounded the color code of gravity and provides the hospital, via data link, all the necessary information before the patient arrives. This procedure can help save the life of a serious injured person.

The military rescuer is a highly specialized professional figure who passed a specific basic course of aviation and space medicine lasting 4 weeks, at the Institute of Advanced Training and Aeronautical Medicine and Space Aeronautics Military (IPAMAS). A course that some soldiers of the 17th have attended.

fast ropeFor landing in depth we deployed a team of 12 men, dropped by an NH 90 helicopter with the Fast Rope technique, with the task of clearing, that is to secure the area that was subsequently used for landing, also from an NH 90, of a Stinger section (4 places shooting). The helicopters were provided by the 1st Antares Regiment of the Viterbo Army Air Force.

The second: the landing of the amphibious component, took place in the nearby beach of Neptune. Preceded by 2 boats to check the conditions of the beach and from which they disembarked for safety operations, 2 teams of 6 men each, followed by 8 Zodiac dinghies, from which the men who acquired the bridgehead were disembarked.

As pointed out by the Commander of the Counter-Air Artillery Command, General Cesare Alimenti, the “counterplanes” men and women, constitute a point of pride of the Armed Force, because they are placed in a highly computerized context and with technologically advanced material, furthermore, they are used in various operations both on the national territory (eg: safe roads) and abroad. In particular, the 17,000 Rgt has repeatedly operated in Kosovo, but many other soldiers are employed in different Operating Scenarios (Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan, etc.) in the form of reserves or not as organic units but as specialized individuals.

In addition to this one, at the Biscarosse Range, a joint exercise has just been concluded with colleagues from the French Air Force who have the same weapon system SAMP-T. The activity ended with the simultaneous launch of an Italian and a French missile that shot down, hitting, the radio targets that simulated respectively an air threat and a ballistic missile.

“All this is but the concrete testimony of the preparation of our Military, at every level: Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Volunteers”, concluded General Alimenti.

di Vito Di Ventura

Mitaka Project

At “Artale” Base in Cecchignola, took place the presentation of a new telemedicine system called Mitaka (Military – Tablet Aid – Kombat Area) that will allow the study and monitoring of the patient by the military rescuer; it is an aid to face emergencies both in operating scenarios and at home during training activities.

The presentation took place at the Military Health and Veterinary School of the Army, in the presence of the General of the Army Corps, Federico Marmo, Commander of the Inspectorate General of Military Health (IGESAN) during the National Conference “The Emergency System in Italy”, organized by the Italian Federation of Emergency Medicine and Catastrophes (FIMEUC) on 29 and 30 November.

It is a technological tool created thanks to the collaboration with “In Manibus Meis”, an Italian company that develops software and hardware for interventions in major emergencies. A device of last generation still at the experimental level that soon could be adopted by the Defense Forces to significantly facilitate the first rescue operations to the wounded.



We share the article published on Il Resto del Carlino – Ferrara on Thursday, May 31, 2018, by Bondeno and Alto Ferrarese, signed by Claudia Fortini. The article highlights the usefulness and effectiveness of the rescue vehicle patented by INMM srl of Ferrara, for transportation in biocontainment – that is, isolating the potentially infected patient from those around him and effectively containing the risk of infection. The vehicle is supplied to the CRI section of Catania. It should be added that Dr. Daniele Pazzi is co-author of the patent.

Bio Ambulance

IN MM: tecnologie assistenziali en

La sfida sanitaria della seconda ondata pandemica del virus Covid19, che stiamo fronteggiando, ha per la IN MM (In Manibus Meis) il punto cardine nella rinnovata gestione organizzativa intraospedaliera e punti altrettanto cruciali nella gestione e controllo a domicilio dei pazienti paucisintomatici e nell’implementazione degli esami e visite a distanza dei pazienti non Covid19, con il fine di ridurre gli accessi nelle strutture sanitarie e contenere il rischio di infezione. 

Lo sforzo è quello di limitare il rischio evidenziato durante la prima ondata pandemica, quindi il prolungamento dei tempi di attesa, procrastinando gli appuntamenti, ovvero generando il rallentamento di diagnosi e cure mediche, soprattutto delle patologie croniche e tumorali. 

Un potente contributo lo offrono le tecnologie per il controllo a domicilio delle persone con infezione da Covid19, per agevolare la comunicazione audio-video a distanza (anche tra pazienti e familiari considerando la chiusura al pubblico degli ospedali), e per assicurare continuità di cura a chi è tornato a casa o per tenere a casa i pazienti non critici, potendoli monitorare in continuità e potendo effettuare pre-triage remoti. 

Il mondo della salute digitale sta ricevendo una formidabile spinta, ma bisogna evitare che si determini uno sviluppo differenziato con servizi solo parziali; riteniamo infatti che solo tramite il supporto di opportuni servizi gestionali a domicilio si ottenga un percorso di assistenza e cura domiciliare che consenta di vicariare appieno le funzioni ospedaliere.

IN MM, azienda che opera da anni nel campo delle tecnologie informatiche e della comunicazione applicate alla medicina assistite da intelligenza artificiale, ritiene che le nuove tecnologie rappresentino un’opportunità per migliorare l’assistenza e le cure sia delle persone con infezione da Covid19, che dei malati con patologie croniche invalidanti.

IN MM è oggi in grado di offrire una piattaforma digitale che aumenta l’autonomia dei pazienti integrando:

  • i sistemi di monitoraggio dei parametri vitali, home health monitoring, mediante kit sanitari a domicilio formati dai dispositivi medici e i relativi accessori connessi a dispositivi dedicati;
  • la connessione con piattaforme di collaborazione clinica, clinical collaboration platform, per le situazioni più complesse e articolate di teleconsulenza con i medici che rendono possibile la condivisione di dati clinici e di immagini diagnostiche per second opinion e analisi delle banche radiologiche ed ecografiche provenienti dai sistemi PACS per la comparazione di esami mediante un’ampia gestione del flusso di lavoro, determinando una interoperabilità integrata con scambi basati su standard (IHE, DICOM, ecc.);
  • il teleconsulto e la televisita medica.

IN MM risponde a questa sfida con GENUS kit, una soluzione innovativa che offre la possibilità di monitorare in continuo i parametri vitali del paziente e di trasferirli su piattaforme di telemedicina consentendo ai sanitari un controllo immediato a distanza del suo stato clinico. Se i parametri fuoriescono dal range di normalità, gli allarmi consentono una immediata presa visione a distanza del problema da parte del servizio di controllo, mentre la loro rilevazione e inserimento nella cartella elettronica consente la valutazione dell’andamento della patologia e l’entità delle sue modificazioni. Il medico integrando quest’analisi con la visita per teleconsulto può offrire risposte rapide e assistere il paziente da remoto.

IN MM integra la propria offerta con uno specifico servizio professionale di assemblaggio, configurazione, test e gestione nel tempo, oltre che di consegna a domicilio, ritiro e sanificazione dei kit sanitari. GENUS kit è facilmente trasportabile, facile da usare ed è supportato da un servizio di assistenza tecnica e sanitaria per la formazione all’utilizzo e alla verifica della raccolta dati e per i processi di sanificazione.

IN MM In prima linea nelle emergenze grazie ai sistemi di tracciamento en

Contesti drammatici come quelli relativi a terremoti, alluvioni, slavine o attentati terroristici, mettono il personale medico coinvolto
nei soccorsi in situazioni altamente complesse. Per questo da più di dieci anni IN MM (acronimo della latina In manibus meis),
fondata da Sabrina Menghini,è attiva nel fornire a strutture civili, sanitarie e militari, sistemi informativi
altamente tecnologici.

Lo scopo è quello di migliorare sensibilmente la gestione e comunicazione dei dati nelle procedure di soccorso, nel trasporto dei pazienti e nel monitoraggio continuo degli stessi. Il tutto, come ricorda il responsabile del servizio alla clientela Ascanio Ciriaci, per garantire supporto agli operatori impegnati in situazioni ad alto rischio, e in cui il numero di pazienti da soccorrere supera la soglia oltre la quale possono essere assistiti efficacemente.

I software sviluppati rilevano spostamenti e stato di salute dei pazienti durante grandi calamità


Il focus principale di IN MM, come detto, sta nell’ideazione e preparazione di sistemi informativi dedicati a situazioni emergenziali, in particolare in ambito pre-ospedaliero. Dunque un’attenzione rivolta a tutto ciò che avviene al soggetto ferito prima che giunga nelle strutture sanitarie per essere curato. Le tecnologie sviluppate dagli ingegneri di IN MM, in collaborazione con professionisti esterni insieme ad università e istituti di ricerca
per la validazione dei sistemi, sono concepite specialmente per contesti di maxi emergenza. Rientrano nella definizione quelle calamità e grandi eventi che spesso sono raccontate nei telegiornali, e in cui il personale medico e militare in soccorso deve assistere in poco tempo tantissimi soggetti,
spesso con scarsi mezzi a disposizione. Attraverso software intesi sia all’interno di un server centrale gestito dall’ente di soccorso, ma anche
come vere e proprie applicazioni per smartphone e pc, avviene un tracciamento dei soggetti dal luogo dell’evento fino all’ospedale.



La rilevazione riguarda in primo luogo gli spostamenti dei pazienti tra diverse strutture, basti pensare alle cliniche da campo disposte rapidamente nelle zone colpite dal disastro. Qui è fondamentale un supporto tecnologico che metta ordine nella gestione dei flussi di persone da trattare. Per questo i sistemi di IN MM si basano sull’assegnazione di codici univoci per ciascun paziente, grazie ai quali viene tenuto un registro dei vari passaggi affrontati nella situazione d’emergenza. A questa si aggiunge poi l’utilizzo di altre tipologie di codice, con le classiche colorazioni progressive per segnalare la gravità del quadro clinico individuale, indirizzando così gli operatori sanitari nell’approccio da tenere.



Anche in risposta alla sfida sanitaria del virus Covid-19 IN MM ha sviluppato Genus Kit, una piattaforma innovativa per il monitoraggio da remoto dei parametri vitali dei pazienti. Una soluzione altamente tecnologica per supportare l’attiva dei medici impegnati nell’emergenza attuale, che potranno così adottare forme di controllo a distanza sullo stato clinico dei malati, con minori spostamenti e tempi d’attesa.